The Before and After Of Dental Extraction: What To Do

Tooth pulling is a process which many patients have to undergo when there is an issue with any of their tooth. So let us take a brief look on how the process is actually conducted and its aftermath.

Any dentist in Aberdeen will give confirmation to this guide, if you seek their advice.

Right After the Pull:

After the dentist pulls out your tooth, a general clot of blood appears over the socket of the tooth. The doctor then promptly uses a gauze pack over the socket and tells you to bite over it so that the bleeding can halt up quickly. Stitches, the auto dissolving ones, may also be done if the doctor feels it is needed or required.

In some exceptional cases the blood clot over the socket can become loose, thus uncovering the bone. This notion is known as dry socket and doctors take reflexive actions against it by placing sedative covering over it for few days.

What You Should Declare Before You Undergo A Tooth Surgery

Even though the whole process is considered quite safe, it can easily allow bacteria to crop up over the bloodstream. Gums can also catch infections. If infections are common with you, then taking antibiotics can prevent them. You must convey to your doctor your medical condition and the medicines you take. You should absolutely declare the following issues to your experienced dental sergeon:

Artificial heart valves or imperfect heart vales
Any heart issues or defect
Bad immune system
Liver issues
Man made joints
Bacterial problems like endocarditis
What To Do When The Process Of Tooth Pulling is Over
Right after the process is done in the clinic, the dentist will quickly tell you to go home so that you can aptly start your recovery. It can take a few days to recover totally. You may feel some discomfort, but the recovery can solve it. You should do the following after the process is completed:

Intake of painkillers and medicines as per the direction of the dentist
To stop bleeding, you must bite on your gauze. Change the pad if the blood flow is constant.
To stop the swelling, apply ice every 10 minutes.
Rest for the whole day and do minimum things the next 2 days
Do not spit or rinse for a day so that you do not dislodge the socket
After a day, do rinse with a homemade solution which should contain half teaspoon of salt and eight ounces of fresh clear warm water.
Do not use straw for 1 day.
Don’t smoke, it can seriously affect your healing
Only eat soft things like yogurt, pudding, soup or juice after your surgery. Put in solid food after you feel it’s healed.
Sleep flatly with pillows to stop any bleeding.
Do remember to floss and brush your teeth. Also remember to brush up the tongue but stay clear of the extraction place; or else infection maybe caused.
