10 Most Common Reasons for Tooth Pain


Tooth pain is one of the most common problems that people of all ages have at least once in their lives for sure. There are different levels of tooth pain starting from mild to fleeting and then going up to throbbing and finally reaching the constant level however the reason of tooth pain in most of the cases is same where there has been an infection in the tooth and the sensitive nerves inside your tooth respond to the infection and you feel pain that eventually leads you to a dentist.

So here below are the top 10 most common reason of tooth pain that people have all across the globe in general.

  1. Cavity Small holes on your tooth that occur due to an acid formed by oral bacteria that eats through the enamel layer of the teeth and creates a hole on the teeth that soon reaches the sensory nerves and causes immense pain.
  2. Enamel erosion Enamel erosion happens through certain acids that are produced inside the human body and people vomit them out. As soon as these acids come in touch with the enamel layer they start eroding them.
  3. Gum RecessionThis happens when a person brushes too hard or is using a brush that has hard bristles on it. Gums that hold the teeth at times recede because of this and the sensitive nerves get easily exposed and pain starts.
  4. Recent Dental WorkIf you are going through a dental treatment then you may have tooth pain for some days and this pain goes off after some days of the treatment getting over.
  5. Loose fillings the time goes by the fillings on your teeth can also get loose or even break if you do not maintain oral hygiene. This is very painful and one of the most common reasons for tooth pain after dental treatment as well.

Read more: http://hermeslondondentalclinic.bcz.com/2017/11/21/10-most-common-reasons-for-tooth-pain/